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Writer's pictureBeulah Moses

Mama, you know I love you.

I date myself with this song from Boyz II Men. My title today is from the lyric of their song called 'A Song for Mama.' They were one of my favourite boy bands growing up. We girls swooned over them and their songs and this one was always a special one for mama.

I am grateful to still have my mother with me, even though we are far apart. She is just a phone call away and the older I get the more I need her wisdom, compassion, direction, firmness and so much more. Her unconditional love and selfless service to her family is an inspiration to me. She is the strongest woman I know, humble and kind, and has made such sacrifices for others. I think I have made my point. I'll stop gushing about my mum and move on.

I grew up celebrating mother's day for my beautiful mum and all the other women in my life and now that I too am a mother, I have loved being celebrated. But I have often wondered where this tradition, celebration, whatever you want to call it originated from, and after some minimal research here are some interesting facts about mother's day.

It seems that almost every historical event can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Romans and this one is no exception. It is said that the celebration of mother's day dates back to the Greeks and Romans who celebrated their mother goddess Rhea and Cybele with festivals. But I think the clearest history of Mother's day that most people know of, dates back to the early Christian festival of Mothering Sunday.

The celebration of Mothering Sunday in early Christianity fell on the fourth Sunday in Lent and originally, it was a time when Christians would return to their “mother church”—the main church in the vicinity of their home—for a special service. Over time this tradition was adopted by secular society and children would present their mothers with flowers and other tokens of appreciation.

Motherhood is a profound experience in every way imaginable. From the moment a child is conceived, that woman ceases to be who she was before then and she herself goes through a process and period of metamorphosis like the beautiful butterfly. What she emerges as, depends on her but also on other factors such as her environment, her support systems and so much more. She has the uphill task of retaining who she was before she became a mother if she wants to, whilst rising to the challenge of nurturing another being so that they too experience the fullness of who they are meant to be. What an amazing gift it is to be a mother yet what a huge responsibility it. The pains and challenges are endless but so are the joys and triumphs.

So this mother's day, how would you like to celebrate the mothers in your life; that wife, sister, aunt, friend who has had a hand in birthing and/or nurturing another being? May I take this time to share some ideas with you?

Take the keepsake teddies for instance. These gorgeous teddies are made using machine-cut rolled paper flowers. Each paper flower is then hand-rolled and individually adhered to the teddy mold. Sparkly rhinestones are attached to parts of the bear. It is then finished off with a set of beautiful hand-tied satin ribbons. Your keepsake teddy is then named and this is what brings her to life (well, not literally 😁). Along with your keepsake, teddy is a thank you message.

Another lovely mother's day present you may want to consider would be the handmade wall frames. Once again made with beautifully handcrafted paper flowers and a thoughtful message of your choice or if you give me the creative freedom I'll happily be your wordsmith. These will always be a beautiful reminder to mum of your thoughtfulness and appreciation.

keepsake bouquets are always a winner but this time these ones are made to last forever. You can still have your natural flowers but forever flowers or keepsake bouquets as I like to call them are absolutely gorgeous replicas of the real things. They can be made out of cardstock or crepe paper and it's all a matter of preference. There is a wide choice of colours and flowers to choose from.

A spring or summer wreath is also an absolute favourite of mums. They come with your choice of artificial flowers if it is a bespoke order. Mind you when I say artificial flowers I don't mean paper flowers. The flowers I use for my wreaths are certainly not made out of paper that would be really silly as I intend for them to be used both indoors and outdoors.

Whatever you choose to give mum this mother's day, do make it special and if you would like to place a bespoke order for this mother's day or for any special event for that matter, do get in touch. I can be reached on all my social media platforms or via email at

Join me next week for another flower tutorial. We are on the fringes of spring and it is such an exciting time of newness. To welcome spring, I will be doing a sunflower tutorial. Till then, stay blessed.

bloomingly yours

Beulah xx

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