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Writer's pictureBeulah Moses


Updated: Dec 24, 2020

2020! What a year! I still remember where I was on new year's eve in 2019. I was at church. We had a watch night service - an annual ritual for my family. During our watch night service, we spend the last two hours of the year singing, dancing, worshiping, and praising God for the very fact that we are privileged to be partaking in the celebration of ushering the new year.

A Christmas selfie frame made using paper flowers in Christmas red and green. I also embellished with dried orange slices, red berries and scented cinnamon sticks.
Selfie frame

The year began with so much hope and expectations. Yes, Brexit was still looming for us Brits but nothing prepared us for the drama and devastation that covid-19 brought with it. The first quarter of the year hadn't even ended when we were told in no uncertain terms that we had to go into lockdown - something that has never happened in my lifetime and during that first lockdown a lot happened and since then a lot has happened still.

Here is what lockdown taught and reminded me of:

  1. That family and friends are everything.

  2. That human connection is essential for our survival and can never be replaced by technology no matter how advanced.

  3. That the busyness of life will often distract us from the most important things - if we let it!

  4. That silence is golden and to be cultivated. It is in the silence that magic sometimes happens.

  5. That in crisis, you see humanity at its worst and at its best.

  6. That our resilience and capacity to adapt and innovate is second to none.

  7. That the bathroom is a great place to birth ideas. 🤣😂🤣

  8. That there is more to me than I realize.

  9. That we have control over very little.

  10. That It's ok to just drop everything and hibernate for a little while. The world will still be there when you emerge.

  11. That people like tissue paper. A LOT! 😂

As I have been reflecting on the year, I wanted to know what this year has taught others. So I reached out to a few friends to share their perspectives. I'm sure you too can resonate with these.

What lockdown taught or reminded my friends:

  1. Take nothing for granted, live for today as nothing is promised.

  2. The power of technology to stay connected.

  3. That we are stronger together.

  4. to be grateful - always.

  5. That in challenges, lie opportunities but we have to find the opportunities by removing our blinders.

  6. That when you think you have seen it all, something comes along and knocks your socks off.

  7. That we should never take our freedoms for granted.

  8. That we must seize every opportunity that comes your way. Don't let fear hold you back.

Despite the difficulty we faced this year, I indeed look back with gratitude at all of the things I managed to do.

I co-authored the book 'Life Inna Lockdown 2020' with some amazing women and you can find it on Amazon by clicking the image.

I took part in the #dontrushchallnege with some of my CrossFit friends. That was so much fun. See the video here.

I worked with some lovely artists to create a simple virtual message to encourage everyone during what has been a difficult time.

I wrote almost 40 poems in a space of 6 weeks. The words kept coming and so I kept writing and then they stopped coming. Now I have to work a lot harder to get the words to come but I'm getting good at it with practice. Here are some of them:

Yes, despite the rubbish year it has been, I did some really cool things. I am so looking forward to being able to attend live craft events next year so I can learn about the latest innovations and bring them to you. That doesn't look like it's going to be happening in the first quarter of next year but hopefully, by summer we should be in a good place as a world.

This is my last post for the year and I am looking forward to bringing you some more cool crafts next year.

Would love to hear what 2020 has taught or reminded you of. Just leave a comment below. Let's get the conversation going. For now, here's wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. Enjoy the Christmas poem below and stay safe.

Bloomingly yours


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